• Mon. Sep 16th, 2024


The Pet encyclopedia

Bird News Sunday 1st September


The Buff-breasted Sandpiper is still at Myroe near the drainage channel this morning (Dean Jones). Also 4 Curlew Sandpipers (Garry Armstrong / Stuart McKee).

Adult summer plumaged Long-billed Dowitcher at Quoile Pondage NR from Castle Island hide (Nicky Lynn / Ivan Quail).

No sign of American Golden Plover or Little Ringed Plover at Belfast Lough WoW Reserve (Stuart Cossey). 2 Ruff this morning (Andrew Upton).

7 Arctic and a Great Skua at Magilligan (Donna Riddell). Little Gull in afternoon (Jeff Larkin).

Osprey at Killylane Dam, Glenwherry at 8am (Gregory Moorhead).

Late news from yesterday of an Osprey distant and beyond the NE perimeter of Portmore Lough (John Brehcist). Osprey today fishing at Portmore (Conor McCoy).

2 adult-looking Black Terns flew south down Belfast Lough past Whiteabbey/Hazelbank (Kevin Kirkham).

7 Mediterranean Gull and Whimbrel at Ballykelly (Garry Armstrong / Stuart McKee).

Confiding juvenile Curlew Sandpiper by the hide Bann Estuary. Earlier an Osprey caught fish and departed (John Spottiswood).

2 Ruff at Lady Bay (Richard Caves).

Ruff at the Moneycarragh high tide roost, Inner Dundrum Bay (Daniel Bailie).

Seawatching yesterday evening for an hour on Rathlin produced 7 Sooty Shearwaters, 10 Arctic Terns and a late Puffin (Ric Else / Hazel Watson). 

Ruff, Richard Caves:

Knot, John Clarke: