The Slavonian Grebe remains this morning off Croaghan hide in the Coot flock at Oxford Island NNR (Ed O’Hara).
Arctic Skua hanging around Portstewart this morning (Stephen Riddell).
Little Ringed Plover juvenile briefly at Belfast Lough RSPB WoW Reserve this morning but no sign of juvenile Little Stint. Also 5 Ruff, Sanderling briefly, Arctic Tern (Derek Polley).
Curlew Sandpiper still at the Bann Estuary this afternoon (Stephen Riddell).
Juvenile Curlew Sandpiper at Myroe Levels (John Spottiswood).
There will be a boat trip from Portstewart to Magilligan Point tomorrow morning at 9am returning 1pm (Friday 6th September). Taking in Mussenden Temple, sailing down the Bann to look for the Ospreys and sitting off Magilligan for skuas, petrels etc… Contact Jim Wells on 07856 232144. £40. lift offered.
Stephen Riddell, Arctic Skua:
Stephen Riddell, Curlew Sandpiper:
John Fraser, Ruff: