The Wood Sandpiper is still at Inch, Co Donegal, viewable from the disabled access platform (Derek Brennan / Martin Deehan)
A male Ruff and two Common Sandpiper are at RSPB WoW. Two Common Sandpipers and 3 Stock Dove were at Kinnegar (Stuart McKee)
The Osprey was again at Portmore this morning, very distantly off the far bank across from the viewing platform. (Alan Fitzsimmons). The bird was still present this evening (Aaron Long)
A female Garganey and six Ruff (five moulting males and unusually an adult female) are at Lough Beg. (David Steele)
Two Storm Petrel were seen this evening on the Cairnryan to Larne ferry (Tom Garner)
A female Ring-necked Duck has been reported from Lough Neagh, location not given.
There will be a boat trip to Tory this Saturday (20th July). The boat will sail around the high cliffs of the island. Contact Jim Wells on 07856235144 for more details.