• Mon. Sep 16th, 2024


The Pet encyclopedia

Bird News Wednesday 4th September

A light phase Arctic Skua was at Magilligan (Ian Dickey)

The Little stint, Little Ringed Plover and 5 Ruff were at RSPB WoW (Gerard McGeehan)

At least one Osprey was still at the Bann Estuary this morning.

The Slavonian Grebe is off Croaghan hide at Oxford Island again. (Ed O’Hara)

A dark phase Arctic Skua was off the Barmouth (John Spottiswood)

The Long-billed Dowitcher was still at The Quoile, directly across from the Castle Island Hide. Two Ruff were also present. A Hen Harrier was also seen at The Burn Road, Ballygowan (Dave Weir)

4 Arctic Skua were at Magilligan this afternoon (Stephen Riddell)

The Little Stint was at RSPB WoW this afternoon (Bob Watts / Stuart McKee)

Lady Bay, Lough Neagh this evening had 2 Ruff, a 1st year Med Gull and 2 Common Sandpipers (Garry Armstrong)

A juvenile Sabines Gull was seen off Rathlin’s East Light (Ric Else)

100+ Cory’s Shearwater, a Swift and Bluefin Tuna were of interest off Rossan Point, Malin More, Donegal this morning (James O’Neill)