Otmoor: RSPB reserve
65 Cattle Egret: Into the roost.
140 Yellow Wagtail: c140 into the roost. Chose the same patch of reeds as the starlings. All flushed by a low level fly through by a female marsh harrier.
4 Great White Egret: Roosting.
Glossy Ibis: Active around the reserve this evening. First seen on Greenaways pools before relocating to Ashgrave. Later noted flying to Flood and finally into roost at 19.30.
65 Cattle Egret: Into the roost.
140 Yellow Wagtail: c140 into the roost. Chose the same patch of reeds as the starlings. All flushed by a low level fly through by a female marsh harrier.
4 Great White Egret: Roosting.
Glossy Ibis: Active around the reserve this evening. First seen on Greenaways pools before relocating to Ashgrave. Later noted flying to Flood and finally into roost at 19.30.
Steve Roby