Whitemoor Haye
6x Black-tailed Godwit thru at 06:45, 5x Snipe over, (SCo) – Common Sandpiper, Green Sandpiper, 2x Oystercatcher, 6x Little Egret, Common Tern, 3x Swift, Cetti’s Warbler, Tree Pipit and Yellow Wagtail thru, (ICW)
Belvide Resv
Lesser Scaup for its second day to 19:08 at least, 2x Tree Pipit over, Osprey 13:49 to 14:00 only, 2x Garganey, Goshawk, Hobby, 9x Dunlin, 7x Common Sandpiper, Black-tailed Godwit,
Blithfield Resv
Adult Caspian Gull top of Blithe Bay mid morning, Red Kite, 2x Ringed Plover, 2x Dunlin, 3x Greenshank, 3x Green Sandpiper, 12x Snipe, 60x Common Tern, 10x Yellow Wagtail, (SRi)
Stanley Pool
Common Sandpiper, Snipe, 2x Oystercatcher, Red Kite over the dam, Lesser Whitethroat in hedge on south side and a Barn Owl at Stanley Moor, (GBr)
Tittesworth Water
Green Sandpiper, Common Sandpiper, 14x Mandarin, 11x Lapwing, Swift, (JOa, LH, KH, TEe)