• Fri. Jul 12th, 2024


The Pet encyclopedia

Carew-Cresswell Rivers – low-tide count

A low-tide WeBS count along the Carew-Cresswell Rivers this afternoon produced higher than expected numbers of wigeon feeding along the muddy channel edges – at least 943. There could have been 1,000+ as some channels could not be seen very well. This is a high total for this part of the Cleddau system. Couldn’t see anything that resembled an American but, even with a scope, it was difficult to check more distant birds, especially in dwindling and already gloomy light. It might be worthwhile someone going through them again just in case. 

Teal numbers were more modest (around 250) and shelduck numbers were very low (less than 20). Of the waders, dunlin was the most numerous species. 462 were counted but, because they were very spread out feeding across the mud, their numbers were also probably under-recorded. 

There were much smaller numbers of lapwing (81), redshank (75), curlew (52), oystercatcher (32), grey plover (7) and greenshank (3). Two great crested grebes were feeding in the Cresswell River channel.