• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024


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New YouTube Video: Picking My Keepers from a Darned Good (but unexpected) Summer Morning Down by the Lake

What’s Up? We may (or may not) have a temporary blog post notification fix in place. Time will tell. I know that some or many or you received 19 “old”…

Hard to Believe. A New Record: 86 Years Young!

Important Notice After an update on 4 May, WordPress stopped sending post notifications. We are aware of the issue and are working on rectifying it. You can always visit the…

Hard to Believe. A New Record: 86 Years Young!

Important Notice After an update on 4 May, WordPress stopped sending post notifications. We are aware of the issue and are working on rectifying it. You can always visit the…

From Old Home to New: Making the Move Easier for Your Pets

The post From Old Home to New: Making the Move Easier for Your Pets appeared first on Petdogplanet - The Place For Dog Breeds And Expert Pet Advice. Moving to…

Trends and Innovations in Marketing Pet Products: What’s New in 2024

The post Trends and Innovations in Marketing Pet Products: What’s New in 2024 appeared first on Petdogplanet - The Place For Dog Breeds And Expert Pet Advice. The pet product…

Virtual Pet Training: Using Apps and AI to Teach Your Furry Friends New Tricks

The post Virtual Pet Training: Using Apps and AI to Teach Your Furry Friends New Tricks appeared first on Petdogplanet - The Place For Dog Breeds And Expert Pet Advice.…

Two Pretty Good Spoonbill Images. And New Used Gear

Screech Owls If you know the location of an active, photographable, natural (not in a nest box) screech owl nest in Central or South Florida, I’d love to hear from…

New Tenants. Does Junk In Always Equal Junk Out?

My Call My favorite image by a mile in the last blog post was Image #1: Roseate Spoonbill in flight with nesting material. Why? Gorgeous light, sharp, and carrying a…

New Wildlife Habitat Bill Is Introduced, but More Resources are Needed to Recover Birds and Other Wildlife

The America’s Wildlife Habitat Conservation Act, introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives by Representative Bruce Westerman (R-AR), provides funding for wildlife conservation projects at the state and tribal levels.…

New Reserve in Colombia will Protect Endangered Cundinamarca Antpitta

The Cundinamarca Antpitta, documented for the first time in 1989, numbers only in the hundreds. Before it had even received a name, what would soon be known in English as…