• Sun. Jul 7th, 2024


The Pet encyclopedia

Bird News Sunday 24th March


Mar 25, 2024 , , , , ,
36 Waxwings were at the bottom of Hawthornden Drive in Belfast. (Daniel Newton).

The Ring-necked Duck was in the outer bay at Kinnegoe marina and the Lesser Scaup was in the inner bay at Oxford Island. (Ed O’Hara).
A Wheatear was at Kinnegar shore. (Stuart Cossey).
The immature White-tailed Eagle was seen briefly at Oxford Island again this morning. (Ed O’Hara). The bird was seen occasionally during the day including at 5pm when it was off Croaghan hide. (David McCreedy).
6 Purple Sandpipers were on the seawall at Jordanstown. (Kevin Kirkham).
A single Swallow was at the equestrian centre at Portmore. (Dave Weir).
A Little Gull and Pinkfoot were at the Bann Estuary. (Dean Jones).
3 Velvet Scoters and 3 Slavonian Grebe were off Macedon Point in Belfast Lough. (Wilton Farrelly).
5 Waxwings were at Ward Park in Bangor briefly at 10.30 this morning. (Guy Hamilton).
Lough Beg this morning had the long-staying 1st-year Little Gull still present, also a single Pink-foot, three Great Egrets, 24 Ruff (all males), 2,000 Black-tailed Godwits and two Sand Martins. (David Steele).
The Wheatear was still at Kinnegar Shore this evening. (Daniel Newton).
A 2nd winter Iceland Gull was at Enniskillen dump. (Ronan Owens).
The Cattle Egret is still with a single bullock on Brankins Island Road near Lady Bay. At Flatfield, near Moira a flock of 113 Whooper Swans included one with a Darvic ring (FII) which had been ringed at Miklavatn, north Iceland on 15th August 2023.

At Tunny, near Portmore Lough a flock of 237 Whooper Swans had one Darvic ring (42C) which had been ringed at Miklavatn, north Iceland on 14th August 2023.

Also an adult Raven at Tunny..(Jim Wells).

A House Martin was over Lisburn this evening. (Andrew Upton).
White-tailed Eagle & Ring-necked Duck, Comghal McQuillan.

Ring-necked Duck & Red-breasted Mergansers, Stephen Brennan

Wheatear, Daniel Newton.