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Otmoor: 10th June

Otmoor Glossy Ibis: Flew up out of Flood and straight into the roost at 21.10. 3 Great White Egret: One often arrives on its own with the other two coming…

Appleford GPs 10th June

Garganey f on pit near ruver Thames in evening (per RBA).

Bird News Monday 10th June

Little Ringed Plover still at Portmore Lough RSPB (David McCreedy). Common Whitethroat, Terry Hanna: Little Ringed Plover, David McCreedy: Richard Caves:

Monday 10th June 2024

Branston GPs Curlew, Dunlin, 2x Ringed Plover, 4x Oystercatcher, 2x Little Egret, 16x Pochard, 3x Shoveler, 4x Teal, 17x Shelduck, 82x Gadwall, 4x Mandarin (3 ducklings), 12x Egyptian Geese, 46x…

Stanton St John 10th June

Caspian Gull 2 (2s+1s) on Shepherds Pits this evening (per RBA).

Farmoor Reservoir 10th June

Sanderling along northern side of the causeway 13:30 (per RBA).

Friday 10th May 2024

Middleton Lakes 2x Avocet, 6x Oystercatcher, 5x Ringed Plover, 5x LRP, 3x Redshank, Cuckoo, Great Egret, 2x Common Tern, Red Kite, (MSm) Belvide Resv 24x feral Snow Geese from 07:00 to…

Chipping Norton: 10th May

Chipping Norton Mandarin Duck: drk. With Mallards on wetland at Swailsford Bridge, Cornwell. SP283263. 19:30. 27 Mallard: SP283263. 19:30. Sedge Warbler: Second record this year on the marsh. SP283263. 19:30.…

Yarnton Mead: 10th May

Yarnton Mead Cuckoo: Heard then seen as it flew from tree at Cassington end of Yarnton Mead. 17:29. Andrew Siantonas

Ewelme 10th April

Belated report of a Lesser Whitethroat  (per Brian Wyatt).