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Otmoor rspb 13th June

Glossy Ibis flew it to roost in front of the 1st screen 20:52 (per RBA).

Bird News Thursday 13th June

Stock Dove again calling from fields immediately adjacent to David Lloyd gym car park, Dundonald (Bob Watts). St John’s Point 0915-45: 1200 Manx Shearwaters, 3 Puffin (Chris Murphy). Great Spotted…

Thursday 13th June 2024

Gentleshaw Common 3x Red Kite over, (GSt) Tittesworth Water  Barn Owl, (SGi) Trentham Gardens 2x Oystercatcher, Mandarin, Spotted Flycatcher, 2x GC Grebe, (STu) Branston GPs 1s Little Gull, 2s Med…

Bird News Monday 13th May

The Temmincks stint present this morning at Portmore, co Antrim.  Has moved to the mud bank at the far right of the pool in front of platform (Arron Long) The…

Monday 13th May 2024

Radford Meadows Stafford Drake Garganey on BMW scrape early morning, (RSw) Seisdon 9x White morph Snow Geese SW over at 09:30, Osprey drifted  NW at 10:00, (GCl) Whitemoor Haye  Drake Garganey viewed from…

Bird News Saturday 13th April

Grasshopper Warbler in scrub off Heron Road close to airport, also Whimbrel and Common Sandpiper around Belfast Harbour, latter D3 (Stuart Cossey). Grasshopper Warbler at Portballintrae this morning (Stephen Riddell).…

Saturday 13th April 2024

Returning Staffs 2024 arrival Middleton Lakes Osprey lingered over JW for 5 mins at 08:30, Green-winged Teal still, 3x Greenshank, 3x Black-tailed Godwit, Common Sandpiper, Ringed Plover, 2x Common Sandpiper, (SPA, MSm) …

Carterton/Alvescot: 13th April

Carterton/Alvescot 2 Grey Partridge: On downs. 21:55. Milton Common Grey Partridge: Not seen one here before. Unsure of provenance as plenty of red legged Partridge here. 21:55. Mick Cunningham

Port Meadow: 13th April

This eveningOsprey over north This morning Ringed Plover 3 Common Tern 2 Great White Egret Lesser Whitethroat Whitethroat 20 House Martin: light passage north. 20 Red Kite: Several large flocks…

Otmoor: Oddington Bridge: 13th April

Otmoor: Oddington Bridge Whinchat: male. On mud piles off side of path to Noke. 18:00. 20 House Martin: passing through with swallows. 18:00. 2 Great White Egret 18:00. Lesser Whitethroat…