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Henley Road GPs: 13th February

Henley Road GPs 2 Oystercatcher: On the spit on North Lake. 12:52. Marek Walford

Thrupp Lane Radley 13th February

No sign of the Waxwings.

Bird News Saturday 13th January

The Black Redstart is still at Whitehead seafront, 2 Twite are at the boatyard. (Garry Armstrong, Nigel Moore, Robert McDowell). 4 Purple Sandpipers were also along Whitehead seafront this morning.…

Saturday 13th January 2024

Doxey Marsh 5x Goosander, 4x Shelduck, 22x Gadwall, 2x Great Egret, 4x Little Egret, 2x Snipe, 300x Lapwing, 10x Greenfinch, Cetti’s Warbler, (GPr) Uttoxeter Quarry 2x Redshank, 1000x Lapwing, Pochard,…

Otmoor: RSPB reserve: 13th January

13th January Otmoor: RSPB reserve Merlin: Flew fast across the main field just before dusk from left to right then turned back fast and low to the left chasing a…

Boarstall Decoy: 13th January

Boarstall Decoy 7 Woodcock: SP618150. 14:00. Colin Oram

Thame: Cuttle Brook: 13th January

Thame: Cuttle Brook 2 Great White Egret: One present in area since mid-December and two this evening going to roost. 14:00. Peter Alfrey

Farmoor Reservoir 13th January

Knot 2 (along west bank of F2) Great Northern Diver 1 juv Greater Scaup 1f Common Sandpiper 1 Little Grebe 17 Great Black-backed Gull 1

Lower Shiplake: 13th January

Lower Shiplake 2 Egyptian Goose: In usual field seen from car A4155 road near Pub. SU759779. 14:30. Ralph Watts

Bird News Wednesday 13th December

 At least 8 Waxwings were in front of the primary school in Waterfoot. (Geoff Campbell). Anyone going to look for these birds are reminded of the sensitivities of birdwatching or…