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Wednesday 15th March 2023

Aqualate 3x Scaup, 8x Sand Martin this morning, (PJor)  –  2x Water Rail, Barn Owl at 06:15, 6x Sand Martin, (ABe) Belvide Resv Brent Goose, Cattle Egret, 2x LRPs, 2x…

Days Lock 15th March

Little-ringed Plover 4 Dunlin Curlew Sand Martin 6 (Per Geoff Wyatt). Little-ringed Plover courtesy of Geof Wyatt.

Port Meadow: 15th March

Port Meadow Little Ringed Plover 2 Redshank6 Shelduck2 Egyptian GeeseCaspian Gull 1w Adam Hartley, Joe Woodman

Chinnor: Cement Works: 15th March

Chinnor: Cement Works 2 Oystercatcher: Pair on island Lake 2b. 11:00. David Stracey

Grimsbury Reservoir 15th March

Sand Martin 4 11:19 Stonechat m in N/E corner Peregrine over (M.P). Sand Martin courtesy of Mike Pollard. Courtesy of Mike Pollard.

Oddington 15th March

AMERICAN WIGEON drake at northern end of rspb Flood field 13:35 (per RBA). Follow the bridleway east from Oddington to view from the kissing gate overlooking the field. Please don’t…

Bird News Wednesday 15th February

 Yesterday a Common Scoter was on the River Lagan near Mickey Taylor’s Lock. (Philip McErlean). The two Barnacle Geese and a Peregrine were at Reedy Flats. (Ed O’Hara) Thanks to…

Wednesday 15th February 2023

Highgate Common Firecrest from path on the northern edge of the common, (JRe) Belvide Resv (WMBC members only) Cattle Egret still, Doxey Marsh Great Egret, Little Egret, Golden Plover, (BGo)…

Port Meadow: 15th February

Port Meadow 2 Siberian Chiffchaff: Both the very plain and the more colourful bird were present in the same general area. Caspian Gull: 1w. In the roost per Thomas Miller.…

Great Tew: 15th February

Great Tew 20 Hawfinch: A roving flock of c20 birds again around St Michael’s church Great Tew. Sometimes together but often splitting into groups of 4-6. 09:15. Steve Roby