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Port Meadow: 16th February

Port Meadow Redshank 8 Shelduck 10 Pintail3 Oystercatcher: Flitting around the west edge of the floods. 15:00. Adam Hartley, Andrew Siantonas

Bird News Monday 16th January

A Slavonian Grebe was at Dargan in Belfast Lough. (Kevin Kirkham).  A Barnacle Goose with c130 Greylag Geese at Flatfield (Jim Wells). Female Great Spotted Woodpecker coming to feeder in…

Monday 16th January 2023

Radford Meadows 4x Ruff, c500 Lapwing, 5x Goosander, 2x Little Egret, (IWi) Kings Bromley (A515 layby) Peregrine, 2x Goldeneye, Goosander, 5x Teal, (BHa). –  5x Pink-footed Geese, (BGe) Tucklesholme Great…

Port Meadow: 16th January

Port Meadow Caspian Gull: ad. 2 Shelduck Thomas Miller

Thame: 16th January

Thame Merlin: Female hunting over the flood into bucks at times but mainly oxon. SP717069. 17:44. Luke Marriner

Standlake Pit 60: 16th January

Standlake Pit 60 40 Wigeon: Langley Lane is flooded well before the gate to the hide. Path to north hide is under water, higher than normal welly height and slippery…

Otmoor: 16th December

Otmoor Woodcock: Flying low over E end of Greenaways. Possibly flushed by one of two foxes in the vicinity at the time. 13:33. Rob Cadd

Bird News Friday 16th December

The Bonaparte’s Gull was still at Ballygally this morning. (Neal Warnock) A female/immature Black Redstart still outside the pharmacy in Castle Street, Killough also two Chiffchaff in nettles along Church…

Friday 16th December 2022

Rudyard Lake  Dipper on the dam wall, 12x Snipe, (SSe)                                        …

Water Eaton: 16th December

Water Eaton Woodcock: Flushed from copse next to path. 12:00. Water Rail: One along river out in open. 12:00. Lesser Redpoll 12:00. Simon Myers