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  • Stratfield Brake: 18th May

Stratfield Brake: 18th May

Stratfield Brake Cuckoo: Near canal, also 8 species of warbler heard (no grasshopper or sedge warbler), barn owl on Thursday. 19:30. Simon Myers

Lidstone: 18th May

Lidstone 2 Corn Bunting: Singing. 22:39. 11 Whitethroat: Singing males in a relatively small area. Linear walk. Seem to have arrived whilst I was abroad. 22:39. Mick Cunningham

Ardley ERF 18th May

Red-crested pochard – 1 drake on the lagoon found by JFT this morning.  Dunlin – 1 Little ringed plover – 1

Otmoor rspb 18th May

GLOSSY IBIS landed in the Flood Field 07:22 then lost to view (P.C)  The Flood Field is viewable from the bridleway east from Oddington and is the 3rd field on…

Uffington 18th May

Unconfirmed report of calling Golden Oriole near Uffington Castle 12:25 (per Birdguides).

Bird News Thursday 18th April

 A 2nd calendar year Marsh Harrier, a different bird to the one present last week, was on Rathlin this morning. Three Common Sandpipers were also present and yesterday two Whimbrel…

Thursday 18th Marsh 2024

Middleton Lakes Grey Plover, GW Teal, ad Med Gull, LRP, 2x Redshank, 2x Avocet, Gropper, Pochard, 4x Reed Warbler, Sedge Warblers, Whitethroats, (SPA) Berryhill 2x Ring Ouzel, (female and male),…

Cholsey 18th April

Tree Pipit heard flying north over Cholsey Station  (per Richard Broughton). Cholsey Wildlife

Port Meadow: 18th April

Port Meadow 2 Grasshopper Warbler: In Burgess Field this morning. 2 Snow Goose  Thomas Miller

Appleford GP: 18th April

Green Sandpiper 1 Yellow Wagtail 1