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Dunsden Green – Saturday 19th November 2022

 Egyptian Geese x2 (M&F in loddon Brewery field), Pied Wagtail x2, Grey Heron, Great Spotted Woodpecker (F) & Green Woodpecker (M) -both on same branch n same tree, Redwing x…

Lower Shiplake: 19th November

Lower Shiplake 2 Ring-necked Parakeet 15:00. Kingfisher: Perch in tree then flew up stream from bridge near care home. SU777793. 15:20. Ralph Watts

Geo News Headlines 1 AM – Two PIA planes were hit by birds in the same day | 19th November 2022

#geoheadlines 1 AM | 19th November 2022 | GEONEWS Do not miss an important news update ever. Subscribe and hit the bell icon to subscribe to Geo News alerts https://bit.ly/3rDNo5j…

Bird News Wednesday 19th October

About 800 Redwing and 300 Fieldfare over Rathlin (Ric Else & Hazel Watson). A mammoth 20,000+ Fieldfare west, 26 White-fronted Geese south and one Brambling over Ringsend, Coleraine (Dennis Weir).…

Wednesday 19th October 2022

A massive movement of Redwings from Scandinavia moving fast inland from the east coast led to many very large counts over central and western visible migration watchpoints. Blackbank visible migration…

: 19th October

Down valley way Willow Tit: In hedge by road. Glossy cap, big bib. SP374081. 15:30. John Pimm

Bicester Wetland Reserve: 19th October

Bicester Wetland Reserve 11 Green Sandpiper 14:45. Stonechat: male. 14:45. Laurie Bryant

Ardley ERF Lagoon: 19th October

Ardley ERF Lagoon 3 Yellow-legged Gull:17:45. Merlin 17:45. 7 Green Sandpiper 17:45. Laurie Bryant

Kings Lock: 19th October

Kings Lock 2 Stonechat: 1 male/1 fem. By Thames path downstream from Kings Lock. 14:45. 20 Cattle Egret: In field with cattle a little downstream from Kings lock. Hard to…