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Bird News Tuesday 2nd July

Quail still calling from SW corner of Lough Beg and a Spotted Flycatcher family but no sign of the Red-necked Phalarope (Tony Dodds / Ian Young). Quail still calling intermittently…

Tuesday 2nd July 2024

Middleton Lakes Female Marsh Harrier, Hobby, 2x Ringed Plover, 8x LRP, juv Redshank, (MSm) Stoke Lordship Lane – 3x Shelduck, Common Sandpiper, (RGi) Endon – Denford 3x Green Woodpecker, Willow…

Chipping Norton: 2nd July

Chipping Norton Green Sandpiper: Feeding in shallows of wetland at Swailsford Bridge nr Cornwell. SP283263. 17:00. 8 Lapwing: SP283263. 17:00. Grey Heron: SP283263. 17:00. 5 Swift: SP283263. 17:00. Steve Akers

Bird News Sunday 2nd June

The Little Stint is still at RSPB WoW (Stuart Cossey). The bird was still present at lunchtime (Derek Polley). Two Whimbrel were also present (Ian Enlander) Two Mediterranean Gulls are…

Sunday 2nd June 2024

Belvide Resv American Golden Plover still,  Rudyard Lake 2x Spotted Flycatcher, (LRa) Gailey Resv 2x Spotted Flycatcher, Common Tern, (IGr) Branston GPs Little Gull still (1s), Little Egret, 5x Teal, 10x…

Lower Shiplake: 2nd June

2nd June Lower Shiplake Buzzard: At lock being hassled by Raven. 15:35. Raven: At lock. 15:35. 3 Egyptian Goose: m/f. Plus one juvenile. 14:15. Willow Warbler: Heard only. 14:15. 3…

Farmoor Reservoir: Pinkhill: 2nd June

Farmoor Reservoir: Pinkhill Great White Egret 10:30. 3 Cuckoo: At least 2m & 1f. 10:30. Hobby: Hawking Dragonflies. 10:30. Redshank: Over calling. 10:30. Kingfisher: Along River. 10:30. Garden Warbler: Singing…

Crog Hill: 2nd June

2nd June Crog Hill Quail 2 Yellow Wagtail 1st June Wether Down Grasshopper Warbler: SU442835. Mark Merritt

Port Meadow 2nd June

Little-ringed Plover  Great white Egret  Ringed Plover 2 Yesterday (per Thomas Miller)

Bird News Thursday 2nd May

Unusually two Raven were at the Scottish Provident, Donegal Square in Belfast city centre (Ricky McQuillan) A Whinchat is on Tory (Anton Meenan) 4 Dark-bellied Brent (2ad, 2 juv), were…