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Buscot 3rd July

Belated report of a Quail calling on Wednesday at Weston Farm (per RBA).

Bird News Wednesday 3rd July

A Long-billed Dowitcher is at Portmore Lough RSPB this evening (Aaron Long)  The bird was still present at 9:45 (Michael Latham) A Spotted Flycatcher is still in Antrim Castle Gardens.…

Wednesday 3rd July 2024

Tittesworth Water Juv Redstart, 4x Common Tern, 5x Common Sandpiper, 5x Oystercatcher, (SGi). Radford Meadows Stafford A rather unseasonable Tundra Bean Goose of unknown origin, 5x Teal, Wigeon, 43x Lapwing,…

Bird News Monday 3rd June

 The Cattle Egret was still at Portmore Lough RSPB reserve. (Terry Hanna). 5 Knot and the 2 Mediterranean Gulls were at Belfast Lough RSPB WoW reserve this evening. (Aaron Long).…

Monday 3rd June 2024

Whittington Quail singing late morning, (BHa) Westport Lake Drake Common Scoter still at 11:20, (RGi) Whitemoor Haye 2x Avocet, Yellow Wagtail, Peregrine, (PJT) Leekbrook – Cheddleton Red Kite over Leek…

Otmoor rspb 3rd June

Glossy Ibis again flew in to roost in front of the 1st screen 21:00 Garganey m (per RBA).

Didcot Lydalls Road: 3rd June

Didcot Lydalls Road Oystercatcher: Flew over calling. SU523903. 09:30. William Lester

Southmoor: 3rd June

Southmoor Oystercatcher: Flew North calling. 13:14. Jed Cleeter

Port Meadow 3rd June

Caspian Gull c08:23  Probable Baltic Gull 1s (per Thomas Miller)

Bird News Friday 3rd May

 A single Whimbrel was on the shore at Carnalea in Bangor. (Mark Coyle). A cuckoo was calling again near Gortin Lakes outside Omagh. (Ian McKee). A pair of Whinchat were…