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Bird news Thursday 6th June

The Cattle Egret was on the pools at Portmore Lough RSPB reserve. There was no sign of the Little Ringed Plover either there or at Lady Bay. (David McCreedy). A…

Thursday 6th June 2024

Blithfield Resv Knot on the outflow, (GJM)                                              …

Honey buzzard, Garn Gelli 6th May

Honey buzzard flew low over the coast path east towards Dinas at 5pm yesterday 6th May

Bird News Monday 6th May

An apparent Ashy-headed Yellow Wagtail was on Rathlin this evening. (Ric Else & Hazel Watson). 19 Whimbrel were at Dundrum Inner Bay. (Aaron Long). A male Garganey and the female…

Monday 6th May 2024

Middleton Lakes 3x Avocet, 2x Ringed Plover, 3x LRP, Dunlin, 2x Common Tern, Cuckoo, (MSm) Branston GPs Wood Sandpiper on Ashy pit, (GWi)  –  also Greenshank, Redshank, Common Sandpiper, 7x Dunlin,…

Woodstock 6th May

Barn owl – 1 hunting around me this evening. Whitethroat -1 Corn bunting – 1

Tar Lakes, Rushy Common: 6th May

Tar Lakes, Rushy Common 2 Cuckoo: 1 seen. It was brown. SP382073. 17:00. 2 Red-crested Pochard: male. SP382073. 17:00. John Pimm

Bird News Saturday 6th April

Green-winged Teal still north side of Church Island, Lough Beg. Also a single White Wagtail at the Mullagh (Richard Hunter). Swallow in Broughshane (Gillian McKillop). 15+ Swallows and 3 Sand…

Saturday 6th April 2024

Returning Staffs 2024 record Cannock Chase Cuckoo heard calling at 07:55, (GTa)  –  Redstart, Tree Pipit, and Crossbills this am, (BSt, ASt)  –  pair of Ring Ouzels between Glacial bolder and…

Standlake: 6th April

Standlake Whimbrel: Calling bird flew SSW over my house at 8pm. 21:38. Carterton/Alvescot 2 Grey Partridge: Alvescot downs. 21:38. Mick Cunningham