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Watlington Hill: 4th August

Watlington Hill Spotted Flycatcher 17:45. Peter Law

Otmoor: Long Meadow: 4th August

Otmoor: Long Meadow Redstart: fem. SP570125. 13:48. Paul Willis

Bird News Thursday 3rd August

 The American Golden Plover is still in the ploughed field at Myroe. (David McCreedy). The American Golden Plover was still present at 4pm, the Black-headed Wagtail was also seen briefly…

Thursday 3rd August 2023

Middleton Lakes Garganey still on east scrape, Great Egret, 2x Redshank, Hobby,  Blithfield Resv Blithe Bay 4x Dunlin, Common Sandpiper, 23x Little Egret, 18x Goosander, 2x Wheatear, Yellow Wagtail, (MJa) …

Bird News Wednesday 2nd August

Late news from Monday night of a Barn Owl along the Drakes Bridge Road, Crossgar (Ivan Cullen). Mediterranean Gull with ring but too distant to read at Portstewart also 2…

Wednesday 2nd August 2023

Blithfield Resv 36x Little Egret, 2x Great Egret, Whimbrel, LRP, 4x Oystercatcher, Green Sandpiper, 7x Dunlin, White Wagtail, (CMa, RF)  –  Spoonbill, Black-tailed Godwit, 10x Common Sandpiper, Curlew, 9x Dunlin,…

Blenheim: Queen Pool: 1st August

Blenheim: Queen Pool Great White Egret: Into roost. 21:30. 6 Little Egret: Minimum count into roost. 21:30. 4 Grey Heron 21:30. 9 Common Tern: 4ad 5juv. 21:30. 4 Spotted Flycatcher:…

Bird News Tuesday 1st August

A Pomarine Skua flew west up Belfast Lough this morning (James Andrew). The Black-winged Pratincole remains at Blanket Nook, Co Donegal (Chris Ingram). Still present this evening showing very well…

Tuesday 1st August 2023

Stanley Pool 5x juv Shelduck over NW at 06:00, (GBr) Middleton Lakes Greenshank on JW north, Common Sandpiper, 3x Garganey still on west scrape, (MSm) Blithfield Resv Spoonbill Tad Bay,…

Grimsbury Reservoir 1st August

Little-ringed Plover 2 Common Sandpiper 3 (Per Edwin Barson). Courtesy of Edwin Barson.