• Thu. Jul 4th, 2024


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Swallow Fishguard Bay

 One swallow on the coast path flying west towards Fishguard bay. 

Ring-billed Gull – Angle Bay

After an unsuccessful (again) few hours at Castlemartin Corse looking for the Pallid Harrier, I went down to the Rhoscrowther (eastern) end of Angle Bay to see what was there…

Home. Morro Bay Sunsets. And DeSoto Spring IPTs

My Call In the last blog post, my favorite was Image #1 by a slim margin over Image #3 because of the super-low perspective. The weakest of the lot was…

Angle Bay – low tide counts and WinGS

We did some low tide counts at Angle Bay this afternoon and ended the day with a WinGS count there. Highlights included 21 Pale-bellied Brent Geese, c.400 Wigeon, at least…

Heading Back to Morro Bay, CA. Image Quality Then & Now

[See image gallery at www.birdsasart-blog.com] Clockwise from the upper left: in pink/purple predawn reflections; squabbling over feeding territory; with wings raised; with sand flea; ruffling after bath; on the edge…

Great egret – Fishguard Bay Resort

 One seen late afternoon heading along the coast in the direction of Aber bach.

Angle Bay – gulls and ants yesterday afternoon

  Needing a bit of a break from working on various reports, we decided to visit Angle Bay yesterday afternoon where we had not been to for ages.  On warm…

Long-tailed Duck, Mill Bay

From yesterday (Monday 1st) Relatively little bird life in the sea between the mouth of Milford Haven and Skokholm yesterday: handfuls of auks, some Kittiwakes, and a Fulmar feeding on…

Tight Eagle Flight Photography & 2024 Homer/Kachemak Bay Bald Eagle IPT Early-bird Discount Info

Homer 2024 Eagle IPTs Filling Fast; Early-bird Discount Expiring Soon Right now, my two 2024 Homer IPTs are half-full after only two weeks. That the two photographers who signed up…

Announcing the 2024 Homer/Kachemak Bay Bald Eagle IPT. And On Handholding the 400mm f/2.8 with the 2X TC

[See image gallery at www.birdsasart-blog.com] artie, knackered in Seattle i-Phone photo by Bob […]