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Chilton 3rd January

Belated news of 2 Waxwing in tree in the school grounds visible from the road yesterday afternoon (M.B). But no sign today 12:00-12:30 (per M.M).

Chilton Downs: 8th October

Short-Eared Owl active again from 1800 this eve primarily on Berks side although seeming to originate from Oxon. Being constantly harried by Crows – Ridgeway area East Hendred to Bury…

Chilton: Chilton Downs: 7th October

Chilton: Chilton Downs Sparrowhawk: m. 18:00. Kestrel 18:00. 25 Red-legged Partridge 18:00. 100 Lesser Black-backed Gull: Minimum. 18:00. 15 Herring Gull: Minimum. 18:00. 5 Meadow Pipit: Heard only. 18:00. 10…

Chilton: Chilton Downs: 1st October

2 Peregrine: Perched on electricity pylon in Harwell Campus. 08:00.3 Swallow 08:00. Red-legged Partridge: Minimum. 08:00. 10 Grey Partridge: Minimum. 08:00. 2 Raven 08:00. J Blunt

Chilton: Chilton Downs: 16th August

Chilton: Chilton Downs 3 Whinchat: At the end of Upper Farm Rd towards Ridgeway. 11:00. 3 Linnet 11:00. 3 Stonechat 11:00. Sparrowhawk 11:00. 2 Kestrel 11:00. Raven: Heard only. 11:00.…

Chilton: Chilton Downs: 21st July

21st July Chilton: Chilton Downs Redstart: juv. Probable juvenile/possible adult female. Actually seen just on West Berks side of county boundary – Sheep Down. 20:30. 10 Yellowhammer: Loads singing. 20:30.…

Chilton: 25th June

Chilton 2 Hobby Yellow Wagtail Spotted Flycatcher Mark Merritt