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  • Churn: 14th April

Churn: 14th April

14th April Churn Greenshank: Bird circling flooded area adjacent to Old University Field station. SU518826. 18:30. Churn: Unhill Bottom 20 Yellow Wagtail: South of Ridgeway in recently ploughed field feeding…

Churn: 16th February

Churn Barn Owl: Possibly 2. 17:15. 8 Linnet 17:15. Kestrel 17:15. Grey Partridge: Calling at dusk. 17:15. J Blunt

Churn: 17th January

Churn 25 Common Gull: Minimum – a few 1w, mainly adult. 10:30. 500 Fieldfare: Minimum. 10:30. 80 Lapwing: Minimum – 300+ Golden Plover mobile but only seen on Berks side.…

Churn: 3rd December

Churn Merlin: Landed in field North of Dutch barn. SU523840. 15:30. Barn Owl: Hunting in Dutch Barn area. SU523840. 15:30. Steve Violette

Churn 10th October

Hen Harrier rt S/W of Blewbury at Churn nr old railway bridge 18:15 (A.L).

Churn: 16th September

Churn 4 Stonechat: 2m, 2f. 17:30. 30 Linnet 17:30. 2 Yellowhammer: m. 17:30. Steve Akers

Churn Farm: 15th August

15th August Churn Farm 6 Whinchat: male and fem type. At least 6 possibly more East of former Agriculture Research building. Feeding over bridleway and Wheat field. SU519825. 21:11. 12…

Churn: 20th June

Churn Garden Warbler: Singing. 21:58. Heather Wright

Churn: 20th June

Churn 20 Corn Bunting: Dozens, singing on telegraph wires. 13:00. Stonechat: m. 13:00. 2 Yellow Wagtail: juv. 13:00. 10 Yellowhammer: Many singing in bushes on my walk. Seems a healthy…

Churn: 29th May

Churn 3 Yellow Wagtail: 2m,1f. female seen twice with food in bill, clearly feeding young. 16:26. Stonechat: m. 16:28.Anthony Cheke