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Bishops Court Farm/Allen Pit: 20th December

Great White Egret: SU573945. 16:26. Cattle Egret: SU571946. 13:21. Steve Curnock Great white Egret courtesy of Steve Curnock. Cattle Egret courtesy of Steve Curnock.

Supreme Court Decision on Clean Water Act Is a Major Loss for Birds and People

The decision puts protections for as many as 90 million acres of wetlands in question. Last month’s Supreme Court decision in Sackett vs EPA represents a major loss for both birds and…

Court Battle Over a Wisconsin Bird-Friendly Building Ordinance Continues

American Bird Conservancy and partners filed an amicus brief this month after developers appealed a court decision made last year to uphold a bird-friendly building ordinance in Madison, Wisconsin. A…

Mother vs. Daughter’s Dog

The plaintiff says the defendant is her daughter, but their relationship is on the rocks because her daughter’s boyfriend is a drug … source

Killer Sent BACK to Jail for Reservoir Dogs-Inspired Attack

‘Killer Sent BACK to Jail for Reservoir Dogs-Inspired Attack’ Over 20 years ago, Steven Craig doused his partner with petrol and … source

Steven Craig sentenced for Reservoir Dogs inspired murder

A man convicted of murdering his former partner, who died 21 years after he set her alight, has received his second life sentence … source

Judge Calls Out Parkland Defense for Laughing and Flipping the Bird in Court

Judge Elizabeth Scherer called out Parkland shooter’s defense table for their behavior during the trial. “When these people are upset about specific things that have gone on from that table,…

We started our own McDonald's and Domino's | We Started Our Own Food Court | Hungry Birds

Buy our Cool Tshirts here = https://hungrybirds.shop/ Please guys show your love and support and do subscribe to our new channel . New video is live . New Video (Hungry…