• Tue. Jul 2nd, 2024


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Study: Protein is critical for long-distance migratory birds

Birds burn protein “at an extremely high rate very early in their flights,” say researchers, who used a wind tunnel to study warblers. Read More “Study: Protein is critical for…

Mission critical: saving an endemic kingfisher on the brink

A combination of invasive species and logging have resulted in Marquesas Kingfisher, an endemic to French Polynesia, being Critically Endangered. However hope is not lost, and BirdLife Partner SOP Manu…

Feds designate critical habitat for threatened ‘I‘iwi

In late December, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service announced it plans to designate more than 275,000 acres as protected critical habitat for the threatened ‘I‘iwi, the best … Read More “Feds designate…

Seabirds a critical link between island and marine ecosystems

Restoring islands — with a special focus on saving seabirds — provides many benefits. Read More “Seabirds a critical link between island and marine ecosystems”