• Thu. Jul 4th, 2024


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St Davids Head

A lovely day at and around the Golf Course, a Cuckoo on Carn Llidi, 7 Whimbrel on the fairways, 2 Wheatear, large numbers of House Martins, lots of Whitethroat and…

St Davids cattle egret

 Cattle egret with the Hereford cattle near Rhosson farm this evening. Hundreds of hirundines at various spots around the peninsula, the vast majority of which were swallows. 

Pied Flycatcher St David’s Head

 Male pied flycatcher this afternoon in the valley at St David’s Head , based in willow scrub with willow warblers and blackcaps for company . 2 male wheatear on the…

St Davids Golf Course Tuesday

 Only a few days ago over 100 Fieldfare on the course, today 2 Swallows, a few Sand Martin, a single Chiffchaff, Stonechat, a Red Admiral, Skylarks  and a female adder…

St David’s Head 17/3/24

From Alan Collens: Sand Martins chased by a Merlin around the Head this afternoon and a Wheatear in the valley. At the Newgale lay-by a Short -eared Owl was showing…

St Davids Airfield

This afternoon - 11th. Intermittent and distant views through the reeds of two whooper swans on the far, unfrozen, edge of the ponds - farm in the background. Two wigeon…

St Davids Golf Course Saturday

 A lively group of 13 Chough glided noisily around the Course, while in the distance up to 100 Golden Plover were flying over St Davids

St Davids and Llys y Fran

Visited a few sites around St. Davids with Fiona this morning.  Porthclais first – a Yellow Browed Warbler at the entrance to the sewage works was the highlight. At least…

Whoopers St Davids

  A bit long distance especially in the drizzle but lovely to see 7 Whoopers and a Great white egret on Treffiaddan this morning.  ( I missed seeing two by…

St David’s Area

A quick look around a few locations yesterday evening before and after a boat tour around Ramsey. at St Justinian’s two Whimbrel flew south and a juvenile Spotted Flycatcher was around…