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  • Ducklington: 8th June

Ducklington: 8th June

Ducklington Lesser Whitethroat: Male singing in hedge at junction of A415 and Curbridge turn off. 23:46. Standlake Reed Warbler: Singing loudly from apple trees in my village garden. Doubt the…

Ducklington: 25th May

Ducklington Marsh Harrier: cc. Hunting road side field just west of Yelford lights torn off. Poss young male. But seen from moving vehicle. 17:12. Mick Cunningham

Ducklington GPs 13th October

Merlin f seen today at 15.15 Ducklington Gravel pits west of Rushy Common chasing passerine. (per Graham Lenton).

Ducklington 29th December

North cross valley way Merlin: SP368084. 16:06. John Pimm