• Thu. Jul 4th, 2024


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Newport Estuary bridge

 Whimbrel 2  Common sandpiper 2 Dunlin 4  Swallow 10 House Martin 4


 Despite the poor weather and a tide which refused to go out,  an enjoyable walk if somewhat short by 16 members of the Group with 32 species recorded the highlight…

Nevern estuary – GPS tagged curlew

From the WWT – N0 is a headstarted curlew released as part of a reintroduction study on the South Downs, released near Arundel, Sussex on 27 July 2022. It is one of 30…

NT Bird Hide at the Bann Estuary

The National Trust bird hide at the Bann Estuary is temporarily closed for repairs to the door.

Newport estuary Saturday

From Liz Snell: Whimbrel 1 Common Sandpiper 1

Nevern estuary and Dinas

From Sam O’Donnell. Newport this morning produced my first Grasshopper warbler at the site. It was reeling distantly in the reedbed to the East of the Ironbridge along with a singing…

The Teifi estuary

 The Cattle Egret in it’s usual horse paddock this morning, just before The Webley.

Teifi estuary

 Iceland gull 2 winter  Also another birder found a 2 year Caspian gull near Webley hotel I forgot to ask his name also swallows and house martin flying around 

Nevern Estuary, Sunday – Ringed Mediterranean Gull

There were at least three Mediterranean Gulls at Nevern estuary yesteday around 3pm on the gravel just down from the iron bridge. One was ringed, black characters on yellow,  A3LH…

Nevern Estuary

From Sam O’Donnell: Ruff, Greenshank, Bar-tailed godwit, 50+ Med Gulls, Dunlin, Sanderling, Ringed Plovers, 2 Common Sandpiper, Kingfisher, wigeon and more