• Sat. Jul 6th, 2024


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My cats have nothing to do except… #shorts

My cats have nothing to do except… #shorts Sam is the British Shorthair Golden Tabby Cat. Germany 04.01.20 Mie is the British Shorthair Golden Shell Cat. Germany 15.06.21 Please subscribe…

Chihuahuas are the best dogs 🥰 *except on Mundays. That’s when the gremlin mode gets activated.


Some days are stones. Except when they’re not!

What’s Up? Again, not much. I swam a mile — 44 lengths in the morning, and then 44 more in the afternoon. Many wonder why I spend so much time…

New report reveals widespread losses of birds in all U.S. habitats – except for one

A newly released State of the Birds report for the United States is a tale of two trends, one dire and one hopeful. While over half of the country’s bird…

This Dog Almost Died And Everyone Walked Passed It, Except For One Person

In different parts of the world, stray animals live on the streets. Each day, they go out in search of food while hoping someone … source