• Thu. Jul 4th, 2024


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  • 恵方巻で荒ぶるねこ。-Cats gets excited with sushi rolls.-

恵方巻で荒ぶるねこ。-Cats gets excited with sushi rolls.-

節分と、まるとはなとみり。It is Setsubun today. In Japan, on Setsubun, people throw beans and eat as many beans as their age, and eat Ehomaki(Sushi roll). Blog: https://sisinmaru.com/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/maruhanamogu/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/Maru_0524 #猫…

Adorable Bulldog Is SO EXCITED to See the Mailman! #Dogs #Shorts

Here’s the mail, it never fails. It makes me want to wag my tail. When it comes, I wanna wail: “mail!” (Via – Jassica L.) #Dogs … source

Introducing Newborn Baby To Our Dogs! They're So Excited!!

Hey everyone, it feels like yesterday we were here for the first time going through this! This time we have even more fluff! We’re a … source

Big Dogs Excited to see the KIDS Home from School #americanstaffy #mastiff #rottweiler

A little afternoon video. The kids come home from school and we all play together on the front lawn. The dogs and kids have both … source