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  • Oxford: Aston’s Eyot: 15th December

Oxford: Aston’s Eyot: 15th December

Oxford: Aston’s Eyot Water Rail: in the ditch by the entrance from Jackdaw Lane. 13:45. Snipe: In the ditch by the entrance from Jackdaw Lane. 13:45. Bob Pomfret

Oxford: Aston’s Eyot: 13th December

Oxford: Aston’s Eyot 25 Lapwing: A flock of 25 flew southwest – first time I’ve recorded this species at this site in almost daily visits over last 2 years. 09:42.…

Oxford: Aston’s Eyot: 29th October

Oxford: Aston’s Eyot Firecrest: Loosely associated with Goldcrests in ivy-covered trees near Jackdaw Lane entrance. First site record here. 08:20. Ben Sheldon