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AvoDerm’s Feline Feast: Unleashing Wholesome Delight

The post AvoDerm’s Feline Feast: Unleashing Wholesome Delight appeared first on Petdogplanet - The Place For Dog Breeds And Expert Pet Advice. Embark on a journey into the heart of…

The Battle Cats – Unit Black Feline (SPAM)

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From stray cats to online stars: Hong Kong’s feline shopkeepers play starring role in local stores

Subscribe to our YouTube channel for free here: https://sc.mp/subscribe-youtube Shop cats are ubiquitous in Hong Kong. But some of them have become internet sensations, thanks to a group of cat…

My Feline Friend, Fukurashi [Grab Bag]

Today’s Grab Bag video has nothing to do with games, but I have a feeling it’s something you’ve all been wanting me to cover. I think I can oblige…but just…

Cat's Blackheads Removal Satisfying – Dr. Pimple Popper – Cat Feline Acne

Does Dr. Pimple Popper know how to remove cat blackheads? 😅 Today let’s clean the cat’s chin and remove all the blackheads. I squeeze a big blackhead on Belly’s chin.…

Pet Scoop: Residents Rescue Blind Dog From Lake, Penguin Chicks Hand-Reared at Zoo

Blind dog rescued from lake, contaminated dog food recalled, penguin chicks hand-reared, and more animal news

Cute Video: Cat Trust Falls Into Owner’s Lap

We've seen dogs to trust falls, but cats? That's a new one! Watch as Didga, who takes part in other un-cat-like activities like skateboarding, trust fall into her owner's lap.

“Eufloria”: Catnip Isn’t the Only Plant Scent Cats May Love

A recent study revealed that catnip isn't the only plant cats tend to enjoy. From silver vine to honeysuckle, learn which plants your feline friend may go crazy for.

Want to Take Your Cat on a Walk? How I Do It

Taking your cat for a walk isn't impossible... even if your kitty isn't comfortable on a leash. Here's one editor's experience with her cat, Trixie.

5 Adoption Stories We Can’t Get Enough Of

From modeling sessions turned forever homes to a geriatric pup finding a second chance, here are five stories about pet adoption that will warm your heart.