• Thu. Jul 4th, 2024


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Ferreting Rabbits – With A Lurcher & A Vizsla

We decided to go out ferreting on some of our local permission while the weather was nice and sunny before the bad weather fully hits us. Just took the long…

Ferreting & catching rabbits in the UK. 108 in under 8 minutes…

A short montage of just a handful of the days out in the fields and moors of the UK in pursuit of the wild rabbit. Here in the UK the…

Young Ferret Gains Her Confidence – Going After Rabbits Solo – Sunrise Ferreting 21

A young ferret takes the leap and tackles rabbits by herself for the first time. I decided to try Leto by herself, so she had to do all the work…

Ferreting In The Dales – 18 Rabbits Removed

In this video we head up to the dales for a day out with Josh, Jess, Megan and Paige; with the ferrets and longnets to tackle the area. We didn’t…