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St Davids Golf Course Tuesday

 Only a few days ago over 100 Fieldfare on the course, today 2 Swallows, a few Sand Martin, a single Chiffchaff, Stonechat, a Red Admiral, Skylarks  and a female adder…

Moreton nr Thame: Moreton Golf Course: 10th February

Moreton nr Thame: Moreton Golf Course 3 Oystercatcher: On the bridge. 16:30. Liam Russell

St Davids Golf Course Saturday

 A lively group of 13 Chough glided noisily around the Course, while in the distance up to 100 Golden Plover were flying over St Davids

The Oxfordshire Golf Course: 8th November

The Oxfordshire Golf Course 2 Short-eared Owl: One seen initially being mobbed by 2 crows which eventually flew off. SE Owl landed, and shortly after 2 SE Owls took off…

Moreton nr Thame: Moreton Golf Course: 4th November

Moreton nr Thame: Moreton Golf Course Stonechat: male. 15:00. Liam Russell

Moreton nr Thame: Moreton Golf Course: 17th October

Moreton nr Thame: Moreton Golf Course Stonechat: male. 17:00. Liam Russell

Moreton nr Thame: Moreton Golf Course: 15th October

Moreton nr Thame: Moreton Golf Course 3 Stonechat 11:00. 3 Egyptian Goose 11:00. Nick Marriner

St Davids Golf Course

Large numbers of House Martins moving North in the morning, followed by Swallows in the afternoon. 3 Whimbrel a lovely sight drifting around the fairways, 2 Wheatear, lots of Whitethroat,…

Kirtlington: Golf Course: 1st May

Kirtlington: Golf Course Cuckoo: Perched in a small tree by the 3rd green calling. Seemed oblivious to golfers putting on the 3rd green less than 30 yards awau. 10:15. Laurie…

Moreton nr Thame: Moreton Golf Course: 29th April

Moreton nr Thame: Moreton Golf Course 10 Chiffchaff 13:00. 5 Whitethroat 13:00. 8 Blackcap 13:00. 2 Willow Warbler 13:00. 3 Lesser Whitethroat 13:00. 7 Linnet 13:00. 2 Great Crested Grebe…