• Tue. Jul 2nd, 2024


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Pitbull Rottweiler Mix Unleashed: Mastering the Care, Training, and Love of a Bold Guardian

The post Pitbull Rottweiler Mix Unleashed: Mastering the Care, Training, and Love of a Bold Guardian appeared first on Petdogplanet - The Place For Dog Breeds And Expert Pet Advice.…

RV Life On The Farm With Kids And Livestock Guardian Dogs!!!

Hello my name is Stephanie. I am a mother of four wonderful children. My husband and I just recently purchased 17 1/2 acres and … source

Two well trained guardian dogs and a pup for sale at Green Pastures Farm.

Two well trained guardian dogs and a pup for sale at Green Pastures Farm. You will not find any better trained guardian dogs than … source

8 mo old livestock guardian dog Judge learning how testy farm animals can be even when you care.


Bo our livestock guardian dog charges the fence up front and the rest of the Avengers assemble⚡️


Our livestock guardian dogs are 3-4 times bigger than coyotes in our area. We don’t worry



OUR LIVESTOCK GUARDIAN DOGS ATE A GOAT! #dogs #guarddog #goat Here is a list of items we use on the farm if you are … source

강아지 퇴근 후 반응 모음ㅋㅋㅋ.movㅣDogs’ Reaction When Guardian Gets Back Home

제1회 애니멀봐 배 내 강아지 자랑대회 ⭐오마이독⭐ 집사가 퇴근 후 문을 열면 펼쳐지는 멍뭉이들의 리액션 파티 과연 TOP20 마이독 … source