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Harwell Laboratory: Rutherford Laboratory: 19th September

Harwell Laboratory: Rutherford Laboratory Hobby Mark Merritt

Harwell Campus Perimeter: 13th July

Harwell Campus Perimeter 3 Tawny Owl: At least 3 Calling – probable family group. SU464856. 22:00. Spotted Flycatcher: SU464856. 22:00. J Blunt

Harwell: 16th April

Harwell Yellow Wagtail: One flew over the garden calling late afternoon – a year list addition! SU493893. 22:53. Philip Chapman

Harwell Campus – 10 December

Fieldfare © Stephen Burch  

Harwell: 2nd December

Harwell Black Redstart: m. Adult male briefly in garden on Kings Lane early PM(Louise Hill). SU494289. 13:30. Philip Chapman