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  • Chinnor: Chinnor Hill: 6th June

Chinnor: Chinnor Hill: 6th June

Chinnor: Chinnor Hill Spotted Flycatcher: 1 by path North East of car park. . SP767006. 10:30. David Stracey

Linch Hill (LWV Pit 18): 3rd June

Linch Hill (LWV Pit 18) Cuckoo: m. Singing from entrance road. 22:41. Tawny Owl: m. 22:41. Northmoor 3 Tawny Owl: 2m 1f. 22:41. Mick Cunningham

Lowbury Hill: 29th May

Lowbury Hill 2 Grey Partridge: pair. 16:32. Anthony Cheke

Cholsey: Lollingdon Hill: 30th April

Cholsey: Lollingdon Hill Wheatear: pair. 18:15. John Taylor

White Horse Hill: 28th April

White Horse Hill Peregrine 2 Raven 2 Yellow Wagtail Mark Merritt

Wantage: Lark Hill: 27th April

Wantage: Lark Hill Hobby: Hunting over fields to the West of track. 12:45. 4 Corn Bunting 12:45. 4 Grey Partridge 12:45. 19 Skylark: Lark Hill living up to its name.…

Cholsey Lollingdon Hill 26th April

2 Wheatear: M + F… two birds seen further W 20 min’s later, presume same individ’s…? SU5784. 16:30. Mike Amphlett

Whinchat: Lollingdon Hill, Cholsey 24/4/2023

Lark Hill 4th April

Merlin (f) Wheatear (m)  Stonechat pair  Swallow

Lark Hill 25th March

At reservoir, 1400 Wheatear (f) Swallow Stonechat (f)