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Wryneck and Hoopoe

From Steve Judge: Tuesday 12th September 2023.Two Wryneck seen on the Deer Park mid morning. On right hand side of the path forking right to the Coastguard lookout point.Hoopoe seen…

Hoopoe, Carn Ingli, Newport

From Tim Rayden.  We were coming down from Carn Ingli today towards Dinas Cross, and spotted a Hoopoe in the meadows near Spite Farm, approx grid ref: SN033 373

Hoopoe on Caldey

We visited Caldey today to check out chough sites etc. We were able to confirm three breeding pairs which was nice.  A hoopoe was seen feeding briefly on the grassy path to…

Hoopoe Pictures

 We have received these excellent pictures of the Comber Hoopoe from Jonathan Clark and Michael Latham: Jonathan Clark Jonathan Clark Jonathan Clarke Michael Latham

Hoopoe & Swallow

Waking up from a Sunday afternoon snooze to a 30 minute old picture of a Hoopoe on my phone from a friend who saw it  at  Philbeach  had me out…

Hoopoe in Marloes again

Another report of a Hooope in Marloes today – different garden but quite close to the previous one.


A Hoopoe was reported in a Marloes garden this morning by a reliable obsever. No photo unfortunately. Seems a very early date.