• Tue. Jul 2nd, 2024


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Social bird species may be less competitive

Using Cornell Lab of Ornithology data, a new study finds that birds that have evolved to be more social are less likely to kick other birds off a bird feeder…

Urban Great Tits less stressed than their countryside cousins

Certain animals are able to adjust well to environments that have been created or altered by human activity. We live in an age in which urbanization is proceeding at an…

Wandering albatrosses with older partners spend less time on foraging trips than those with more sprightly partners

A new study led by the University of Liverpool has found that wandering albatrosses with older partners spend less time on foraging trips than those with more sprightly partners so…

Everything Wrong With Dog in 19 Minutes or Less

Look, Dog is not a great movie. It cannot decide what it wants to be so it tries everything. Lots of sinning too. Next week: video … source

EU Parliaments Environment Committee votes in favour of less environmental procedures

EUs plans to accelerate transition to renewables can cost nature a hefty price. The European Parliament’s Environment Committee has voted to permit “go-to” areas for developing renewable energy projects. This means…

A First for Me. Sony 200-600 /w1.4X TC! What a Difference 43 Seconds (or less) Can Make. San Diego IPT #3 Changes

San Diego IPT #3 Changes With five slots filled on the second (4 1/2 day) San Diego IPT, and nobody onboard for the third San Diego IPT (formerly 3 1/2…