• Tue. Jul 2nd, 2024


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Adorable Giant Dog Meets His New Baby Brother! He'll Always Protect Him! (Cutest Ever!!)

Phil loves his new baby brother and follows him everywhere. He’s so happy to finally meet him and can’t contain his excitement. source

Our Morning Routine With Newborn Baby Dogs Cat And A Toddler!!

So we’re nearly 2 weeks in now and all the pets have been introduced, settling into their own charachteristics. Nana Niko is on … source

Phil The Malamute Dog Meets Newborn Baby For The First Time Ever!! (He cries!!)

This dog is so emotional! He is so human like and his love just shines through! He can’t contain his joy shaking with excitement. source

Introducing Newborn Baby To Our Dogs! They're So Excited!!

Hey everyone, it feels like yesterday we were here for the first time going through this! This time we have even more fluff! We’re a … source

Dogs Go Crazy For Baby Girl Coming Home From Nursery! (Cutest Ever!!)

These dogs go crazy when they know their little sister is coming home, they are so excited to see her! It must feel like she was … source

Phil's Best Friend Returns And He Cries!! This Dog Is So Emotional! (Cutest Ever!!)

Phil is such an emotional dog, he cries over all his relatives when they come to visit. The unconditional love is mazing and what … source