• Mon. Jul 8th, 2024


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Angle Bay – low tide counts and WinGS

We did some low tide counts at Angle Bay this afternoon and ended the day with a WinGS count there. Highlights included 21 Pale-bellied Brent Geese, c.400 Wigeon, at least…

Sebastian Sucked. When Conditions are Tough, Don’t Quit: Be Creative and Strive to Hone Your Low Light Skills

When Conditions are Tough, Don’t Quit: Be Creative and Strive to Hone Your Low Light Skills Or you can stand around chatting with other photographers; bird photography, like life, is…

Sony 200-600 G lens + 1.4X TC + a-1 at 840/749mm Low Perspective Foot-pod Shorebird Perfection X2. And How!

Picking the Best Image at 30 frames per second When a Short-billed Dowitcher came to alert posture for just a second or two, I held the shutter button down until…

Two Early Morning Low Light Images: Total ISOs — 15,000!

Save $200! Been thinking of an IPT? Sign up for any Instructional Photo Tour while I am in the Galapagos and enjoy a $200 discount on your balance. See the…

The Various Shades of Low

What’s Up? My flight from Islip to Orlando was blessedly uneventful. The luggage was off the plane amazingly quickly and right hand man Jim Litzenberg picked me up a minute…

Getting Low Late Summer Through Fall Pays Big Dividends

My Call In the Lunatic Action (Part I) blog post here, my two favorite images were #1 and #4. I went with Image #1 because of its sharpness and simplicity,…

A Little-Known Fact About Fort DeSoto. On Shooting Low

The Spring Fort DeSoto IPT #1: Practically Private The Spring Fort DeSoto IPT #1. Tuesday 28 March through the morning session on 31 March 2023. 3 1/2 Days: $1899.00 includes…

The Fast, Versatile, Handhold-able Sony 400mm f/2.8 GM Lens is Ideal for the Low Light Conditions in Homer

Your Call All are invited to leave a comment stating their preference for each of today’s three featured images. Please put them in order with your favorite image first and…

In Love With Low. A Mystery! And How Low Can You Go?

The Homer IPTs No Reasonable Offer Refused I hate sailing with a less than full boat. If you would like to make a low-ball offer on one or more of…

Scale of nature and climate crises undermined by low ambition farm payments

The Government has announced new payments for farmers which raise serious questions as to whether we’ll see any better environmental outcomes now than the era of the much-derided Common Agricultural…