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Lower Shiplake: 2nd June

2nd June Lower Shiplake Buzzard: At lock being hassled by Raven. 15:35. Raven: At lock. 15:35. 3 Egyptian Goose: m/f. Plus one juvenile. 14:15. Willow Warbler: Heard only. 14:15. 3…

Lower Shiplake: 13th January

Lower Shiplake 2 Egyptian Goose: In usual field seen from car A4155 road near Pub. SU759779. 14:30. Ralph Watts

Dippers in Fishguard Lower Town

 2 dippers by the bridge in Fishguard Lower Town this afternoon and 9 turnstone feeding on the shore. 

BirdLife welcomes cancellation of mining project in Zambia’s Lower Zambezi National Park

In August 2023, conservationists in Zambia heaved a sigh of relief when the Zambia Environmental Management Agency (ZEMA) cancelled a decision to allow for mining in Zambia’s Lower Zambezi National…

Common Tern Nesting at Nickerson Beach. And an Overview: the Lower Extremities Pod Techniques

My Call In the last blog post, my top pick was the oystercatcher in the swash image for its simplicity and its beauty. That said, I really liked the foraging…

Amazingly Coincidental Images Made at the Exact Same Instant! Is Lower Always Better? And I Can’t Do That …

[See image gallery at www.birdsasart-blog.com] The 2023 Fort DeSoto New Cut Current Conditions e-Guide Get your copy here for $25.00 in the BAA Online Store, or free with Fort DeSoto…

Lower Windrush Valley GPs: 18th February

Lower Windrush Valley GPs 44 Goldeneye: c40 in flight and 4 on Brasenose 1 Pit. 15:00. Rushy Common Great White Egret 15:00. 2 Oystercatcher 15:00. Jed Cleeter

Lower Shiplake: 8th February

Lower Shiplake Ring-necked Parakeet: In top of tree calling. . 14:30. Raven: Having a dispute with the Buzzard over. 14:30. Ralph Watts

Lower Windrush Valley GPs: 3rd February

Lower Windrush Valley GPs 5 Goldeneye: 4m & 1f on Gill Mill Pit 59. 14:00. Bittern: 1 flew over Gill Mill Pit 59. 14:00. Marsh Harrier: male. 14:00. 4 Chiffchaff:…

Lower Shiplake: 18th January

Lower Shiplake 2 Egyptian Goose: Bird’s in flooded field near lock. 15:15. 8 Redwing: Near care home ??. SU775791. 15:15. 8 Ring-necked Parakeet: Over calling near station ??. SU775791. 15:15.…