• Sat. Jul 6th, 2024


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Sand Martins – Teifi Marshes

At least 7 Sand Martins feeding over the Teifi Marshes this evening

Waxwings – Teifi Marshes

We are now on day 19 of the Waxwings on the Teifi Marshes. The feeding flock has now increased to seven including a new bird colour-ringed in Newtown, Powys on 2nd…

Teifi Marshes – Waxwings etc

With limited opportunities to get out and about this week (meetings and vehicle service) we decided to head up to Teifi Marshes this morning to check out the waxwings. The…

Garganey – Teifi Marshes

A pair of Garganey were seen on Kingfisher pond yesterday afternoon at 15.30 by Malcolm Price. This morning there was no sign of them early but Tommy and Jen Evans…

The Teifi Marshes

One Sand Martin from 1640 feeding over the Teifi Marshes.

Teifi Marshes

Osprey over the river still from the reserve late morning. Also, Common Sandpiper, Kingfisher, three Swallow, two House Martin, two Cetti’s and five Redwing.