• Tue. Jul 2nd, 2024


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Bosherston – colour-ringed Med Gull

On 19th Caroline Pickett photographed an adult Med Gull at Bosherston that she subsequently realised had a yellow ring.  A sharp photo and good fortune enabled the ring to be read…

Med Gull

One of yesterday’s Med Gulls at the Gann was a 3CY with a green ring.  I couldn’t read the first digit as it was stood in water, but the last 3…

Med Gull yellow AZ.UK

As expected, Wednesday’s colour-ringed Med Gull was from Rehbach Gravel Pit near Leipzig, ringed as a nestling in 2019.  She appeared in Devon in January 2020, and then northern France that July-September,…

Älgjakt med ståndskall 2022 (ENGSUB)- 4K

Följ med oss på älgjakt med ståndskall i Uppland, och upplev vänskap, god mat, skratt, glädje och fantastisk natur. Ett stort tack till … source

Med Gull Yellow AZ.TZ and a Mute Swan feeding flock on the Front Street shore

Here is a summary of re-sightings of Med Gull Yellow AZTZ that was at Goodwick Flagpoles yesterday. thanks to Hendrik for supplying details of its re-sightings history so far.  It was ringed…