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Blenheim: Northern park: 30th June

Blenheim: Northern park Stonechat 13:00. Simon Myers

Blenheim: Northern park: 12th June

Blenheim: Northern park 2 Stonechat: Male plus at least 1 fledgling in same place previously seen. 17:45. 3 Corn Bunting: 3 birds seen (up from 2 seen previously). 17:45. David…

Skilled Friends in Cold Places — Northern Lights Images

Important Notice After an update on 4 May, WordPress stopped sending post notifications. We are aware of the issue and are working on rectifying it. You can always visit the…

Blenheim: Northern park: 25th May

Blenheim: Northern park Stonechat: Male seen in same place as a couple of weeks ago near Oxfordshire Way. 09:20. David Watkinson

Blenheim: Northern park: 6th December

Blenheim: Northern park Brambling: 10 – 15 amongst mixed Finch flock in the Sunflower enclosure and adjacent trees. 12:00. Peter Law

Great Northern Diver

From Dave Wilks: Spotted this morning in Nevern estuary – Newport, about half a mile out from the Boat Club at Parrog. Looks similar to the one seen on 15…

Blackbirds boom in Northern Ireland, bucking UK-wide trend

The latest BTO/RSPB/JNCC Breeding Bird Survey (BBS) report shows encouraging news for Blackbirds in Northern Ireland, in contrast to declines elsewhere in the UK. Collared Doves and Sedge Warblers are…

Northern Ireland’s Climate Action Plan 2023

Northern Ireland is one of the most nature depleted countries in the world. It’s the 12th worst performing country for biodiversity on the global list. It was also the last…

New report paints mixed picture for Northern Ireland’s seabirds

New report paints a mixed picture for Northern Ireland’s internationally important seabirds. The tenth annual Northern Ireland Seabird Report has been published today by the British Trust for Ornithology (BTO).…

Mid-Pembs Wildlife Trust and Pembrokeshire Bird Group at Fishguard Northern Breakwater

Dave Ramsey reports Many thanks to Stena Line for allowing access to this site, and conditions were perfect with excellent visibility. On the northern side we had spectacular views of…