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Yellow-browed Warbler – Donnington Bridge Road, Oxford

The bird found by Steve Roby showing well from time-to-time mid afternoon in the bushes & trees along the north side of the road between 50-200m west of the bridge.…

Oxford: Summertown: 26th December

Oxford: Summertown 41 Ring-necked Parakeet: 41 (in three closely-spaced groups) flew roughly north past Cherwell School towards Summertown a few mins either side of sundown. Possibly biggest count yet for…

Lye Valley, Oxford: 17th December

  One of two Woodcock present this morning. At least one Common Snipe remains, but no sign of the Jack Snipe.  Jack Snipe video from Wednesday 14th by Badger.

Oxford: Christchurch Meadow: 16th December

Oxford: Christchurch Meadow 2 Stonechat: both males. At least 3 since Sunday (2m, 1f). One male on the northern fence area, one by sw corner near leaves piles again. Couldn’t…

Oxford: Aston’s Eyot: 15th December

Oxford: Aston’s Eyot Water Rail: in the ditch by the entrance from Jackdaw Lane. 13:45. Snipe: In the ditch by the entrance from Jackdaw Lane. 13:45. Bob Pomfret

Oxford: Christchurch Meadow: 15th December

Oxford: Christchurch Meadow 2 Stonechat: male and female. Near the piles of leaves at the far south/west end by the main track. 15:19. Phil Barnett

Lye Valley, Oxford: 14th December

  Yesterday a photograph from a member of the public emerged of a Jack Snipe in the ponds at the top of the Lye Valley, which was taken on Sunday.…

Oxford: Aston’s Eyot: 13th December

Oxford: Aston’s Eyot 25 Lapwing: A flock of 25 flew southwest – first time I’ve recorded this species at this site in almost daily visits over last 2 years. 09:42.…

Lye Valley, Oxford: 12th December

  A dusting of snow and finally some cold weather movement: 12 Golden Plover flew over the Lye Valley in Oxford this morning, a long-anticipated new addition to the patch list.  https://ebird.org/checklist/S123851327

Christchurch Oxford 11th December

No sign of the Black Redstart this morning Stonechat m Snipe 9+ (Per Phil Barnett).