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Pembrokeshire Bird Group Summer Walk


Pembrokeshire Bird Report 2023

The 2023 Bird Report should now be available on this blog – look under the Reports tab.

Pembrokeshire Bird Report

The 2023 Pembrokeshire Bird Report is now complete and will hopefully be available on here soon. We would like to thank all those that contributed both observers and photographers to…

The 2022/23 Pembrokeshire Rookery Survey

  During the springs of  2022/23 rookeries were surveyed across the county by a number of volunteers as a contribution to the Welsh Ornithological Society’s Welsh rookery survey. It has…


Jack Snipe (almost in Pembrokeshire)

From Huw Lewis: Yesterday 17th January. Not actually in Pembrokeshire, but very close at the Teifi Marshes Marshes Mallard Hide, a Jack Snipe feeding in the sunshine. No doubt forced…

Pembrokeshire Bird Conference – 26th November

  Only a week to go.  Don’t miss out on this exciting event.  Booking is essential. Book here to avoid disappointment.  We look forward to seeing you there. 

Pembrokeshire Bird Conference 2023

Bookings are now open for the Pembrokeshire Bird Conference on Sunday November 26th at Letterston Memorial Hall, the same location as last year. Our keynote Speaker is Julian Hughes, Head…

Night Heron – South Pembrokeshire

Some late news from last weekend, an Adult Night Heron seen at a private site in South Pembrokeshire on Saturday 8th April.  Note: According to the landowner the bird was…

Mid-Pembs Wildlife Trust and Pembrokeshire Bird Group at Fishguard Northern Breakwater

Dave Ramsey reports Many thanks to Stena Line for allowing access to this site, and conditions were perfect with excellent visibility. On the northern side we had spectacular views of…