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Dream When Choosing Your Perspective

Important Notice After an update on 4 May, WordPress stopped sending post notifications. We have been aware of the issue and are working on rectifying it. You can always visit…

Fun Facts About German Shepherds Every Perspective Owner Should Know

The post Fun Facts About German Shepherds Every Perspective Owner Should Know appeared first on Petdogplanet - The Place For Dog Breeds And Expert Pet Advice. German Shepherds, sometimes called…

Sony 200-600 G lens + 1.4X TC + a-1 at 840/749mm Low Perspective Foot-pod Shorebird Perfection X2. And How!

Picking the Best Image at 30 frames per second When a Short-billed Dowitcher came to alert posture for just a second or two, I held the shutter button down until…

The Atlantic Ocean as an Element of Composition, Using the Swash. And Understanding Atmospheric Perspective

What’s Up? I changed my bandage for the first time on Tuesday evening, DAY 5 after the trigger finger surgery. The incision looks fine, clean, and black with no redness…

A Unique Pelican Flight Perspective Times Two

Homer Late Registration Discounts If you are interested in traveling to Homer, AK with me in FEB/MAR 2023 to photograph Bald Eagles, shoot me an e-mail for late registration discount…