• Sat. Jul 6th, 2024


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Little ringed plover, Dale airfield

No sign of the lark this evening among the many skylark, a couple of pairs of which were showing courtship behaviour and lots of chasing around. Linnet feeding youngsters. Checking…

Golden Plover, Castlemartin

From John Whitehurst: Late Monday afternoon a flock of, estimate 800, Golden Plover with many coming into or already in their wonderful summer plumage glowing in the late sunshine in…

IOC to split Lesser Sand Plover into two species

The International Ornithological Congress (IOC) has announced that it will split Lesser Sand Plover into two species: Tibetan Sand Plover Charadrius atrifrons (including pamirensis and schaeferi) and Siberian Sand Plover C. mongolus (formerly referred to as Mongolian Sand Plover) (including stegmanni) This…

Golden Plover

Many hundreds this evening at Martin`s  Haven circling high above West Hook, good to meet Sash enjoying the spectacle, though there were too many for me to count properly. I…