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Marloes Peninsula Day Out with Little Ringed Plover, 1st May

As a dedicated follower of the weather forecasts, I took the opportunity to visit various sites on the peninsula on the first, and possibly only, sunny day for a while,…

Little ringed plover, Marloes Mere

A Little ringed plover beside a flood in the field behind the toilet block this evening, always keeping low out of the stiff westerly. About a dozen Pied wagtail and…

Ringed plovers at Newport beach

 Flock of 19 plus 2 dunlin on the rocks at the north end of the beach at high tide this morning.

Gann – Little Ringed Plover

A smart juvenile Little Ringed Plover picked up by Lisa at the top of the lagoon this evening (I thought it was a stone from behind!).  This species is getting more…

Little ringed plover, Dale airfield

No sign of the lark this evening among the many skylark, a couple of pairs of which were showing courtship behaviour and lots of chasing around. Linnet feeding youngsters. Checking…

Belgian Ringed Mediterranean Gull At WoW

 A Mediterranean Gull which was ringed in Belgium as a nestling in 2015 is currently on one of the breeding platforms at Belfast Lough RSPB WoW reserve. The ring is…

GW Egret & Ringed Plovers

From Charles Wilmott: Maybe common here, not sure, but GW Egret and a Pair of Common Ringed Plovers on Goodwick Beach this morning. One of the Plovers confirmed as only one…

Nevern Estuary, Sunday – Ringed Mediterranean Gull

There were at least three Mediterranean Gulls at Nevern estuary yesteday around 3pm on the gravel just down from the iron bridge. One was ringed, black characters on yellow,  A3LH…